10 Bookish things to do in quarantine

With the world going into lockdown mot of us have suddenly a lot of time in our hands.Me? Oh, its the same assignments,tests and school work. But if you are one of the few lucky ones who have time and the work load is not too intense, here are 10 Bookish things you can try... Continue Reading →

How my reading tastes have changed over the years

The first memory I have of reading was with my mother. I had a huge book filled with black letters and they told the tale of a little bunny on an adventure with his mother. Unfortunately I don't have the book now and I have forgotten the story. The joy I felt was so fascinating... Continue Reading →

New Year’s Book Tag

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! That time of the year has come when we get a clean slate to list all the books we are going to read this year and to make up our reading goals. I am very excited for this year because a lot of new releases are scheduled in the following months... Continue Reading →

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